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Your role in the project

Getting started

If you think it may be fun to join the project and build along, please let me know. I have not yet reached the stage where you can create an online account and so, but a simple email will suffice. Of course you are encouraged to contribute, point out errors and think of new applications. This can be done in the 'forum' page, coming soon.

On the 'shop' page you will be able to buy components and PCB's for the evaluation kits below, Have a look! This way you can get familiar with this project.

The kits

We have three evaluation kits available, but only the mini-kit is 'ready to roll' right now.

Mini evaluation kit [three end-nodes, switch from one location two lights]

Standard evaluation kit [five end-nodes, switch from one location four lights]

Extended evaluation kit [fourteen end-nodes, switch from two locations twelve lights]

Contact: info@templetronics.org   CC-BY-NC-SA License: Ruud Vlaming.