How will this work?
I have developed a first generation devices for this project. (see doc's) These are sold as kits (see start) You can order these kits, build them and use it in your home. It is also possible to buy the PCB's separately. Since these are kits, they have to be build by you. You need some skills with soldering electronics. On the forum you can receive help from me and other users. And before you receive your kit, a "getting started" guide will be published on this site.
Producing kits and PCB's makes only sense if there is enough interest. If the numbers are too small, the costs are simply too high. Therefore i investigate the interest in these kits. At the moment i can only supply the evaluation 'mini-kit'. The minikit is the smallest collection of parts able to demonstrate the working of the system. The contents of the mini-kit are:

- ActController + DimNode + RelayNode (2 outputs)
- SenseController + RotaryNode (1 inputs)
- 1m cable + jacks.
With the mini-kit you will be able to control two light points from one location.
Depending on the interrest, the pricing will be:- 5 PCB's only: between 15 and 25 euro
- 5 PCB's and 171 components: between 60 and 75 euro
These prices are exclusive VAT (19%) and shipment (approx 5 euro for the PCB's only and 10 euro for the whole package) within Europe.
You can express your interrest by sending me ( an email (maybe empty) with one of the following tittles:
- Will probably buy the mini-kit: PCB and components.
- Will probably buy the mini-kit: PCB only.
- Interested in project, will probably buy components somewhere else.
- Interested in project, but i do not want to buy or build anything.
Ordering and handling.
If you decided TempleTronics is something for you, do not build devices for your whole home at once. Build an evaluation kit first. These parts will be perfectly useable when you set the next step. It will give you a feeling if this is something that fits your needs, without spending to much money.
As much as i would like it, i do not keep parts on store. I simply do not have the resources to do that. So at the moment you would order, i order the parts specially for you. Unfortunately, some parts can only be ordered in larger quantities, thus order are combined, as outlined above. This takes time, and you will be informed on the site about the lead times. But usually this is four to six weeks.
Orders have to be prepaid, and cannot be withdrawn. This is just because i cannot do so too. You pay the costs of the components, PCB production, shipment and tax. Usually, this should be a lot less than if you would buy it all yourself...
Companies can order too. Please state in your order that it is a company order, and include your VAT identification number, full address etc. Companies pay a handling fee of 100 euro per order.
Contact: | CC-BY-NC-SA License: Ruud Vlaming. |