All components are hardware. Here we will discus their design and design considerations.
Overview of the components
Component | Function | Status |
MainPower | Supply the net with 48V=/1A of power. | In design |
MiniPower | Transform 48V= to 5V=/0.5A for local use. | Prototype working |
ActController | Receive commands from the net to activate four actuator nodes. | Prototype working |
SenseController | Sends commands to the net from one sensor node. | Prototype working |
DimNode | Control a lightbulb's intensity (2A max). | Prototype working |
SwitchNode | Switch on/off a 230V device (2A max). | Prototype working |
RelayNode | Switch on/off a 10-230V device (4A max). | Prototype working |
RotaryNode | Give instructions to the system by rotating a wheel | Prototype working |
TouchNode | Give instructions to the system by waving your hand | In design |
HubController | Split the network into six subnets | In design |
AccessController | Access the system to reconfigure | In design |
GlassNode | Detection unit to determine the breaking of a window. | Planned |
WaterNode | Detection unit to determine water somewhere. | Planned |
DoorNode | Detection unit to determine if a door has opened | Planned |
HeaterNode | Switch on/off a (central)heater in some room. | Planned |
ClockNode | Works as alarm clock and message display. | Planned |
FireNode | Detects smoke in house. | Planned |

Circuit diagrams
Below please find the first circuit diagrams. They are not entirely up to date, but give an impression how the stuff is working. As soon as possible I will update them.
Contact: info@templetronics.org | CC-BY-NC-SA License: Ruud Vlaming. |